
Candid Conversations: Handing Over the Reins

Concerned about the transition from high school and handing over the reins?

Watch young people with disabilities and their parents candidly share their experiences transitioning out of high school in New York.

Presented by The New York Region 1 Parent Training and Information Center (PTIC) Collaborative (Advocates for Children of NY, INCLUDEnyc, Long Island Advocacy Center, & Sinergia) in partnership with the Chinese American Planning Council, Community Inclusion & Development Alliance (CIDA), and the New York DeafBlind Collaborative.


Part 1

Hopes and Dreams

Part 2

Independance and Advocay

Part 3

A Few Words of Advice

REAL Youth Transition

Transition Planning

is the process to help students with an Individualized Education Program (IEP) decide what they want to do after high school. A transition plan provides the basic structure for preparing an individual to live, work, and play in the community, as fully and independently, as possible.”

OPWDD Eligibility Overview

Office for People With Developmental Disabilities (OPWDD).

There are eligibility requirements in order to receive respite services, medicaid funded employment supports, day programming options, and Self-Direction through OPWDD.

OPWDD eligibility is tricky- watch our video presentation for helpful information. For more information, read our Transition Planning and Services Fact Sheet.