LGBTQ+ Fact Sheet

Inclusion and diversity are terms that mean so many things to so many people in so many communities. We need to be mindful of some of the sobering statistics that come into play when our LGBQT+ youth are not provided with or fail to access avenues of support. Click here to read more.

LGBTQ+ Language

Click here for some simple and easy to follow best practices for creating awareness and safe spaces.

What Youth Have to Say

Who better to hear and learn from than youth themselves? Check out this video made by non-binary and transgender youth specifically to help educators and adults understand their needs. Click here to watch.

How to Support Kids Who Are Questioning

How to support young people navigate gender identity and sexual orientation. Click here to read this helpful article by the Child Mind Institute.

A video made by non-binary and transgender youth to help educators and the adults in their lives understand their needs and they can be supported.

Want more information about the rights of LGBTQ+ students and how you can support them? Click here.